Ok, first things first. I didn't create "awesome day". I thought it would be a great idea to create an awesome day, I googled it and found that someone else had already done that task. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I have adopted the idea.
Second, there are a number of friends who also enjoy that idea of celebrating each other's "awesomeness" so with that in mind, I've created this blog for one purpose: to promote the awesomeness of others and to do so in a collected work which can be put up on a platform like "scribd.com" and could be downloaded for free.
From this group of unique artists/authors/poets/painters/photographers their work can be submitted and then put into a collection which can be shared in multiple formats. Here's some of the ground rules
1) submission does not equal inclusion. I have no idea how many folks will submit something and I can't promise that your something submitted will be included. But just because it doesnt get included, it doesnt mean it isn't "awesome" it just means it didn't fit in right then at that time. There may be some work which is super awesome but due to my limited time, I may not be able to get to it.
2) no money is intended to have anything to do with this project. Nothing is charged to submit your creative work here. Nothing will be paid if it is included in the collection. Nothing in this collection will be sold and no ad space will be sold in conjunction with your work. If you as the creator are able to promote your own work here-awesome. That's it.
3) gotta keep it rated "g" for all audiences. There's awesome artwork and awesome stories that have adult language and situations and there are other places where that work can shine. But this place is going to be for all audiences. If that upsets you creatively, I understand and still celebrate your awesomeness, I just can't celebrate it here.
I think that's it but I'll come up with other ideas and clarifications later.
I plan on "e=publishing" the collection on 3/10/2012